Methods of Path Integration in Modern Physics

Please leave your questions and comments for the Q&A session below!

Comment (23)

  • Matthias| August 26, 2019

    Where do I see entanglement in the path integral approach?

  • James| August 26, 2019

    Does the path integral require a first order differential equation in time?

  • Matthias| August 26, 2019

    Where is the superposition principle in the path integral approach?

  • Thomas| August 26, 2019

    Questions raised in lecture 1a:

  • Philip| August 26, 2019

    Can we continuously deform (trap) a 3+1D system, with no knots, into a 2+1D system, with knots?

  • Feynman| August 26, 2019

    Is there a general rule for the Kauffman invariant if you mirror a knot configuration?

  • Feynman| August 26, 2019

    If you would interpret the propagator in terms of a probability for a particle to start in some point x_a and end in the point x_b, the probability of starting in some point and end in any possible point (by integration over x_b) should be one. This could be seen as if the propagator is normalized when you integrate over all possible endpoints:

    | \int dx_b K(x_b,x_a;t) |^2 = 1

    This is true for a free particle, but not for the harmonic oscillator. Should the propagator be normalized and if not, why is it then true for the free particle?

  • Mani| August 26, 2019

    The propagators that we have seen in Lecture are gaussian-type. How could one evaluate Feynman propagators for non-quadratic potentials?

  • Anonymous| August 27, 2019

    Could you describe how to extend the Metropolis algorithm for the Ising model to a general path integral? Which quantities should be compared at the end of every step? Which probability is used to accept or reject the update?

  • John| August 27, 2019

    Is it worthy to compute the autocorrelation time during the simulation and save data space?

  • Salvador| August 27, 2019

    Could someone please add the reference that discusses the ‘strange’ mapping between propagators (between the free particle and harmonic oscillator, for example)? Does this mapping have a physical meaning at all or is it just mathematically possible?

    • Axel Pelster| August 28, 2019

      Please have a look at PRA 94, 043628 (2016) and the path integral references cited therein. The propagator Mapping between the free particle and the harmonic oscillator is just a mathematical trick, but the paper cited above suggests that this might have interesting consequences for many-body physics.

  • John Smith| August 28, 2019

    Does it make sense to perform saddle point approximations on the fermionic path integral as ‘steepest descent’ does not seem well-defined.

  • bebe| August 28, 2019

    Does the quantum monte carlo dynamic have physical meaning or is it purely artificial. What are the requirements for one or the other?

  • John Smith| August 28, 2019

    Does the need for regularization suggest that steps in the calculation leading to the divergent expression are ill-defined (i.e. wrong)?

  • Boris Johnson| August 29, 2019

    Is it possible to deal with acceleration as well as velocity terms in the action (particularly in statistical field theory) and if so how? Is this still possible if you also include velocity
    & acceleration dependent potentials?

  • Anonymous| August 29, 2019

    How can we relate large N theory to known theories, when all known theories have small N = 0, 1, 2, 3, … ?

  • Jhonatan| August 29, 2019

    for the bcs bec crossover: has Anderson theorem something to say about bec. In other words, what happens to effect of disorder as you go from bcs to bec?

  • Einstein| August 29, 2019

    In the saddle point approximation of the BCS theory the gap equation is depending on the chemical potential.
    Why does the dependence of the order parameter on the chemical potential not enter in the calculation of the particle number?

  • Jean Zinn-Justin| August 29, 2019

    I suggest one simple question and two exercises for the participants:

    Why is $r_c$ on page 15 negative?

    Do the explicit calculations for $d=0$ and $d=1$. Discuss the results of $d=1$.

  • Mani| August 30, 2019

    Why graphene needs to be studied via relativistic quantum mechanics?

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